About us
Professional activities

Distributed And Network Algorithmics (DANA) lab

The mission of the lab is to conduct research and teaching in the area of distributed computing and systems, with emphasis on adhoc/mobile/vehicular/sensor networked systems, cloud computing, neural parallel/distributed processing, and network science.

The DANA lab guide (in greek)

(Aug 02nd, '24):A paper got accepted in IEEE Internet Computing magazine
(Jul 25th, '24):D.Katsaros joined AIBThings 2024 as PC member
(Jul 12th, '24):D.Katsaros joined WISE 2024 as PC member
(May 23rd, '24):A paper got accepted in 6th Summit on Gender Equality in Computing (GEC)
(Apr 04th, '24):A chapter got accepted in Elsevier book "TinyML for Edge Intelligence in IoT and LPWAN Networks"
(Mar 25th, '24):D.Katsaros joined ECAI 2024 as PC member
(Mar 06th, '24):D.Katsaros joined ECML/PKDD 2024 as PC member
(Feb 27th, '24):D.Katsaros joined CoopIS 2024 as PC member
(Jan 26th, '24):D.Katsaros appointed Publication co-chair for the AAIA'24 conference
(Nov 12th, '23):D.Katsaros appointed Special Issues co-chair for the ADBIS'24 conference
(Sep 22nd, '23):D.Katsaros delivered a keynote talk at the INISTA'23 conference
(Aug 28th, '23):D.Katsaros appointed Treasurer for the DSAA'23 conference
(Sep 30th, '22):Greek translation of Barabasi's "Network Science" book is out

Facilities Provided by
DANA lab is part of the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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